Recipe to compose a religion


First take a religion or an already existing cult (or do yourself a mixture from various sources).
Indeed, any kind of religion derives from another : the Christianism from the Judaism, the Buddhism from the Brahmanism, the Islam from a cult which took place around the black stone, in addition with Jewish and nestoriens elements...
We coud wonder from which other religion the Judaism derives ?
Any religion is a deflecting act
, we almost could say (with the risk of shocking) an usurping act.



The group's component




The ideological component (optional ?)




The knowledge's component




The mystical component (optional)







The group's component





A religion delimits a human territory : The ecclesia for the Christians, the "chosen people" for Jews etc

The property of this territory is to imply with those who belong to it that they are endowed with a privilege. This privilege is virtual : it is this one... to belong to the group (we go in circles).

Those who are outside this group are still in the shade, they are the laymen, the neophytes, the pagan ones, they do not still know...

This feeling of virtual privilege changes easily into feeling of superiority, incompatible with the obligation of humility within each religion. This is why it is impossible in fact to be simultaneously faithfull to the texts and to the soul of these texts.

The ideological component (optional?)





There is ideology each time that one thinks he has found the human cause of evil. The religions sometimes dress themselves with this apparatus. The evil would come from the bad nature of the man (Christianity), of his fear of the suffering (Buddhism), of the badly built society (humanism), of the exploitation of men by men (Communism), of the nonconformity of the society to the religious precepts (Moslem brothers)... Each religion has in his past a page of its history written with letters of blood. Their representatives excuse themselves with speaking about historical anomalies, mishaps and call upon the " human nature ". But an anomaly which is constant is a law : the religion deploys a fanaticism each time it believes to have recognized the human cause of the evil.
Religious proselytism tends to the ideology : supposing that converting is good, it can thus believe that the failure of this evangelization is evil, and want to force it.

Racism is the simplest and lowest level of the ideology, since it consists in showing as evil a target group, selected on the practical criterion of its discernibility. The attack of the target group by the vector group causes the reinforcement of the feeling of cohesion within this last one : there is it's goal. We ought to seek the cause of racism not in an unspecified incomprehension, but in an active rejection, causing satisfaction by sublimation : it is one degree inside the meanness exercising.

The component knowledge





The knowledge does not mean here checked truth, but a vision of the world, a culture. The religious knowledge must relate to the link of our world with the supernatural one, which is always supposed. And how to not represent ourselves supernatural, when our nature itself obliges us to figure out an idea of our destiny?

There is a minimum, basic knowledge, which is used to establish the common language of the group, as well as the ritual on which it is dependent.

It always englobes a part of magic, that many religions try to repress. It is a contradiction there : what does a priest do when he blesses, if not attracting a divine supernatural force to the nature. Isn't it magic?

There is also a richer knowledge, reserved for the speculative development, and to the mystical work which is not intended for everyone : this is called esoterism. It is this esotericism, developed by someones, with its richness of proposals, which may allow a religion to evolve : adapting to the world or developping religious sub-groups.

The mystical component (optional)





This component complains about our ordinary nature, and claims that modifying it is possible. Generations of men (and women) described this mystical phenomenon during their experimentation of it, particularly the mental's obstacles which opposes it. Psychology loses a lot comprehending the mechanisms of the spirit while refusing to study the fruit of this long line of experiences.

(Thus, there is a whole heritage which is banished out of the area of modern knowledge. Why this blind point in our culture ? and what are the consequences on our society ?...

This is this mystical component we are proposing to develop among the next pages.







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